APA – Air Pollution Abatement is a disruptive technology, the unique filterless, modular and flexible, intelligent platform to control and abate ambient air pollution, integrated with IoT, energy efficiency solutions and multiservices, for indoor and outdoor.

Thanks to chemical – physical – mechanical integrated processes, using only water, APA successfully abates most pollutants of the ambient air, reducing dust, gas, odors, bacteria, viruses in the full safety of health and requalification of the territory.

APA is a qualified technolgy at the service of people and environment,

it is certified as Best Available Technology (BAT – IPCC 2008/1/CE ) and Key Enabling Technology (KET) with highest R&D and innovation value, of systemic and strategic relevance across all industrial sectors underpinning the shift to a greener economy and providing the bases for Europe’s modernization and new development (COM(2009)0512).

The European Commission – Horizon 2020 Programme has officially rewarded APA with the high-quality “Seal of Excellence” label to certificate its value based on three criteria: excellence, impact and quality, efficiency of implementation judged by independent, international experts.

- Ground-level action

- Zero Filter – Zero Waste

- Public grants and subsidies (Industry 4.0, R&D Projects, ecc.)

Multi-shape, modular and scalable

Low TCO, energy efficiency

Outdoor e Indoor

- Real-time monitoring, locally and remotely – «Switch-off» option

- Multimedia and multi-service


APA adopts an innovative, intelligent distributed logic of pollution absorbers
interconnected in a network or “cluster” to increase pollution abatement, efficiency and cloud-based monitoring.
It is an exclusive patent worldwide, flexible and modular, you can structure and size a cluster of APA according to specific needs, on different sources of emissions (distributed or punctual, stationery or mobile) and several shapes from single domestic or office furniture to projects of urban architecture, private and public.

cluster network%20%281%29


2nd Floor Regis House, 45 King William Street,
London, EC4R 9AN
United Kingdom